Installing Eclipse And Plugins
1) Download Eclipse from the official website. You need Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers. This tutorial assumes you have downloaded
2) If you don't have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed, download Oracle JRE ("Windows x86 Offline" version). This tutorial assumes you have downloaded jre-7u13-windows-i586.exe
3) Install JRE.
4) Unpack Eclipse into C:\rpi-eclipse.
5) Unpack Raspberry Pi cross-compiler for Windows into the C:\rpi-eclipse\rpi-cross-toolchain folder. This folder should contain arm-linux-gnueabi, arm-linux-gnueabihf and mingw-make subfolders.
6) Create C:\rpi-eclipse\workspace folder.
7) Optionally create desktop shortcut to C:\rpi-eclipse\eclipse.exe.
8) Run Eclipse for the first time.
9) Set up workspace path:
10) Disable EGit/Git warnings in Eclipse. Disable HOME-related warnings in Eclipse.
11) In Eclipse, open "Help" -> "Install New Software" in the main menu:
12) "Work with" -> "--All available sites--":
13) Scroll down to "Mobile and Device Development", select "C/C++ GCC Cross Compiler Support", "C/C++ Remote Launch", "Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime" and "Remote System Explorer User Actions". Click "Next >":
14) Click "Next >":
15) Accept the License Agreement and click "Finish":
16) Wait:
17) Accept to restart Eclipse: