Fixing Project Clean in Eclipse
When running Project -> Clean in the Eclipse you may encounter the following error:
To fix it:
1) Make sure RM.EXE file exists in C:\rpi-eclipse\rpi-cross-toolchain\mingw-make (if it doesn't, you may get one from UnxUtils project):
2) Press Win+R, type "sysdm.cpl", press Enter (to open System Properties):
3) Click "Advanced" tab, then "Environment Variables..." button:
4) Navigate to "Path" in "System Variables" group and press "Edit...":
5) Prepend "C:\rpi-eclipse\rpi-cross-toolchain\mingw-make;" (without quotes) to the value:
6) Click OK and, close all windows of system settings:
7) Restart Eclipse and make sure 'Project Clean' works as expected: